Lead Quality Auditor + Whistleblowing ISO 37002

$1,895.00 + GST


The Becoming a Skilled Lead Auditor Whistleblower course is ideal for those looking to gain lead auditor qualifications in order to conduct external or third party audits, as well as providing comprehensive coverage of the internal audit process for those looking conduct audits internally within their organisation.

This course is for those who require full knowledge of how to conduct an whistle blower audit across the two main disciplines of quality and risk management systems. It is the most effective and efficient method to help understand the requirements of an Integrated Management System. Ideally suited to those who have to develop, implement, maintain, improve, manage, or audit against multiple disciplines, our Quality and Risk Management Systems Lead Auditor course will leave you ready to hit the ground running.

An effective whistleblowing program must be built around an organisation’s culture, work environment, unique characteristics and needs. Legal requirements and standards governing whistleblowing must also be met. It is not intended that any program operates outside the law. A commitment from the senior executives or the board of directors a is essential to win trust and commitment for a whistleblowing program.   Lead auditors have a role in supporting a successful whistleblowing program, which can take a variety of forms, including:

  • Providing independent and objective monitoring and
  • Providing assurance to the board of directors and management the program meets good
  • Conducting risk
  • Establishing internal controls to mitigate
  • Triaging significant issues with the benefit of their thoughts and
  • In some cases, receiving disclosures that may otherwise go
  • Liaising with the risk management
  • Understanding and interpreting misconduct
  • Providing regular reports to the board of

It is fast becoming an essential tool for organisations to tackle misconduct.  Benefits for organisations include:

  • Complying with legal obligations relating to whistleblowing including protection of
  • Enhancing the ability to identify systematic and recurring
  • Offering early detection of potential or actual wrongdoing and thereby a motive to avoid escalation of
  • Allowing effective management of disclosures, reducing misconduct and avoiding employees going public or to external
  • Presenting a further, and perhaps a final, opportunity to intervene in wrongdoing which may otherwise go undetected – whistleblowing can still work when regulatory monitoring and good governance
  • Promoting confidence and trust in organisation leadership when they are prepared to go on record for encouraging disclosures.
  • Fostering organisational stability and productivity andreducing possibility of reputational damage, litigation, prosecutions and financial impact by acting on information provided by whistleblowers.
  • Empowering employees by giving them a path to disclose
  • Protecting and enhancing an organisation’s
  • Positively impacting on organisation culture – whistleblowing calls out poor culture and practices and offers an improvement
